FAQs - UV Care 8-stage Air Purifier with Humidifier

- What are the 8 Stages of Filtration?
Washable Elementary Aluminum Pre-Filter
Traps large particles like hair, dust and dirt. -
99.97% True HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filter
Traps finer particles like dust, soot, pollen and dander/pet hair. -
Activated Carbon
Eliminates smoke, strong odor and harmful gases. -
Molecular Sieve Adsorption Layer
Blocks larger particles to increase the life span of the Activated Carbon Filter. -
Cold Catalyst Filter
Oxidizes and breaks down compounds and toxic substances such as benzene, ammonia, TOVC etc. -
UV-C Lamp
Eliminates up to 99.9% of germs, viruses, and bacteria which may cause Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Pneumonia, Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Measles, Tuberculosis, Influenza etc. -
Negative Ions
Clears the air of airborne allergens and truly freshens the air and not just artificially masking the air quality. It does this by attaching themselves to contaminants (which are positively charged) making them too heavy to remain in the air. -
Antibacterial Humidifier Filter
This filter ensures that the water vapor released by the humidifier is completely rid of germs and bacteria.
- What are the features of this unit?
- Auto
Allows the unit to detect what the environment needs and adjusts according to that. Highly recommended for hassle free cleaning. - Sleep
Allows the unit to run on quiet mode with all the lights turned off. Great for use during bedtime. - Child Lock
Disables touch screen capability so settings won’t be changed. Great for when you have kids! - Speed
Allows the user to control the speed of the fan and the rate at which it will be able to suction air. - Timer
Allows user to set the specific number of hours the unit will run. - Real Time Temperature and Humidity Display
What are the changing numbers that are registered on the control panel?
This is the real time PM 2.5 reading. It tells you how many fine particles are being detected by your unit at a given space and time. -
What is PM 2.5?
Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) are fine hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles that directly go into our Respiratory System. It has a diameter of 2.5 micrometres and smaller. -
How small is 2.5 micrometers?
Think about a single hair from your head. The average human hair is about 70 micrometers in diameter – making it 30 times larger than the largest fine particle. -
What are the sources of PM 2.5?
Components of particulate matter (PM) include finely divided solids or liquids such as dust, fly ash, soot, smoke, aerosols, fumes, mists and condensing vapors that can be suspended in the air for extended periods of time. -
What is considered a safe level of PM and how is it measured?
Pollution levels are generally measured on a scale of 0-500 called an Air Quality Index, or AQI:

Even at moderate levels, particulate matter can still be harmful to sensitive people. When air pollution levels are lower, the cardiovascular and respiratory health of a person will be much improved, both long and short term.
What are the negative effects of exposure to PM2.5?
Depending on how healthy you are in general, PM2.5 will have different long and short term negative health effects. When exposed to levels of PM2.5 between moderate – hazardous range, one may experience the following effects:
- Shortness of breath
- Eye, nose and throat irritation
- Excessive coughing and wheezing
- Diminished lung function and lung disease
- Diminished heart function, sometimes resulting in heart attack
- Asthma attacks
- Understanding the UV Care Air Quality Indicator
- Excellent air quality.
- 0-50 count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
- Excellent air quality.
- 0-50 count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
- Good air quality.
- 51-100 count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
- Good air quality.
- 51-100 count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
- Normal air quality.
- 101-150 count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
- Normal air quality.
- 101-150 count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
4. RED
-Poor air quality.
-151 and above count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
-Poor air quality.
-151 and above count of PM 2.5 (hazardous airborne solid and liquid particles)
What are VOCs?
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. Common examples of these are benzene, ethylene glycol, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, xylene, and 1,3-butadiene which are ingredients in many cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing and hobby products.
What are the sources of VOCs?
Household products, including:
- paints, paint strippers and other solvents
- wood preservatives
- aerosol sprays
- cleansers and disinfectants
- moth repellents and air fresheners
- stored fuels and automotive products
- hobby supplies
- dry-cleaned clothing
- pesticide
Other products, including:
- building materials and furnishings
- office equipment such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless copy paper
- graphics and craft materials including glues and adhesives, permanent markers and photographic solutions.
What is Formaldehyde (CH2O)?
Formaldehyde is a colorless, strong-smelling gas that is used in making building materials and many household products. It is in present upholstered furniture and furniture made of manufactured wood, paper towels, bedsheets, pillows, water heater, stoves, and even essential oils that contain terpenes. In fact, The US National Toxicology Program described formaldehyde as "known to be a human carcinogen.”
The 8-Stage Air Purifier With Humidifier has a 96.2% Formaldehyde Purification Rate.
What are Negative Ions?
Negative ions attach themselves to contaminants (which are positively charged) making them too heavy to remain in the air. The 8-Stage Air Purifier With Humidifier releases 10 million particles of negative ions per cubic centimeter.
Are negative ions safe for pregnant women?
No negative effects on expecting mothers have been reported.
What is a humidifier?
Humidifier adds moisture to the air to soothe irritation caused by dry conditions.
It does this by pumping water vapor into a room that may or may not be visible.
To keep the humidifier running, you must continue to add water to a reservoir. It converts this water into a fine mist and expels it into the surrounding air.
What are the benefits of having a humidifier?
1. Reduces infections: Having a humidifier in your home can help keep you healthy and reduce the risk of infections as viruses and bacteria can't travel well in moist air.
2. Promotes better sleep: A dry nose and throat can cause unpleasant snoring, but a humidifier adding moisture to the air can prevent your passageways from drying out, making humidifiers great for your sinuses and thereby helping you get a good night's sleep.
3. Delivers healthier skin: Have you been experiencing dull, dry skin? A humidifier can help prevent dryness, dullness, flaking and accelerated aging that cold, dry air can do to your skin by helping you maintain a healthy glow.
What is the difference between an air purifier and a humidifier?
An Air Purifier uses filters to trap and remove airborne contaminants such allergens, dust, pet dander, mold spores, bacteria, and smoke. It is beneficial for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, and people who want clean air.
Meanwhile a Humidifier adds moisture to the air to soothe irritation caused by dry conditions. It is beneficial for asthmatics and people with irritated respiratory tracts due to dry air.
Are humidifiers really applicable in the already humid Philippine setting?
Humidifiers are often recommended to be used in air conditioned rooms as cold air can cause dryness.
What is a good humidity comfort level?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor humidity levels should be kept between 30% to 50%, with the sweet spot being 45%. Anything lower than 30% is too dry and anything over 50% is too humid.
Is the vapor visible?
The vapor comes out as a really fine mist so you’ll hardly notice it.
How to switch on the humidifier?
There is no specific button/switch to turn this on or off. For as long as the water tank is filled, the humidifier will automatically work.
How much water should we put in the water tank?
The water tank can hold up to 1500 mL of water.
Is there a specific type of water that we should use?
Using distilled and demineralized water is best but any type of water will work just as fine.
How long will the water last before I need to refill it?
It will usually last for 3-4 hours.
Is there an indicator for me to know if the water has been completely used up?
For this unit, no. It has to be manually checked once in a while.
Can I put essential oils in the humidifier?
While this is a possibility, we won’t really suggest doing so. Since oils don't mix well with water, the tendency is that these will separate and the oils will build up at certain parts of the unit. This oil build-up can then cause plastic parts to become brittle.
Are humidifiers safe to be used by infants?
Yes, it is. One of the most important benefits of having a humidifier in the nursery is the protection it provides against dry air. You may have noticed the effects of the harsh air with more frequent sore throats, dry sinuses and stuffy noses. Since babies are much more susceptible to congestion, they easily fall prey to the infections and sicknesses that often run rampant in the cold months. A humidifier adds much-needed moisture to the air and creates optimal breathing conditions, allowing your baby to sleep comfortably and loosen the build-up of mucus.
Since a humidifier adds moisture into dry air, it also helps relieve your baby of irritated, dry skin. Baby’s skin is sensitive to dry climates and can result in red patches and tender, chapped lips. The dry air may also be aggravating to common skin conditions, such as eczema. By using a humidifier to add moisture back into the air, the skin remains soft and clear by retaining its natural moistness.
Can I use the unit as an air purifier alone? Without the use of the humidifier?
Yes, you can. For as long as the water tank is empty, the humidifier won’t turn on and work.
Is it safe to be inside the room while the Air Purifier with Humidifier is turned on?
Yes, the UVC lamp is installed inside the air purifier unit, facing the filters so there is no UVC exposure to the people inside the room.
Do air purifiers make the room cold?
An air purifier is not an air conditioner or an air cooler. Air purifiers do not have a cooling unit inside them like an air conditioner does that lowers the temperature of the blown air.
Does this unit emit ozone (03) gas?
No, this unit does not emit ozone gas.
Does this unit emit radiation?
No, this unit does not emit radiation.
What is the recommended duration of use?
We suggest turning on the unit for as long as necessary even if that means turning it on for 24/7. Just make sure to give your unit enough time to rest once in a while to maximize its use.
- What areas in your home would be best to put the 8-stages Air Purifier?
- Nursery/ Kid’s Room- Infants and young children are at greater risk of experiencing respiratory issues or allergic reactions from harmful contaminants as their immune systems and internal organs are still developing.
- Bedroom- You may spend up to one-third of your day in the bedroom, making it one of the most used rooms in the house. Maintaining cleaner air while you sleep may even promote a better night’s rest.
- Living Room- This is a suitable option for families as it provides cleaner air in a room where everyone spends time.
- Kitchen and bathroom- These are the two rooms that tend to produce the most pollutants and odors. They also provide the optimal environment for bacteria and mold growth. The closer the air purifier is to the source of the pollutants or odors, the more effective it is at purifying the air in your home.
- Where is the best place to put the Air Purifier with Humidifier?Tight spaces and corners are no good. Air purifiers work best when placed in an open area that has free airflow from all sides. In such a position, an air purifier can pull the air from all directions and work at the best performance.
- How is the Super Air Cleaner similar or different with other models?

If I have the Portable Germ Zapper, do I still need to purchase an Air Purifier?
Yes, these units are complementary. The Portable Germ Zapper addresses surfaces while an Air Purifier addresses the air.
Can you run the Air Purifier with Humidifier and an Essential Oil Diffuser at the same time?
Yes, you can. Just make sure to place them on opposite sides of the room so they won’t negate or affect each unit’s benefits.
What are the safety features of the unit?
The front cover of the unit is secured with magnetic closures. Once this is removed or not properly closed, the unit will not turn on.
The “RESET” button is blinking. What do I do?
First, try to vacuum and/or wash the aluminum pre-filter. Then reset the unit by pressing the “RESET” button on the Remote Control or the “SLEEP+CHILD LOCK” buttons on the control for 5-10 seconds.
Should the problem persist, it’s time to change the Hepa Filter and Activated Carbon Filter. Please contact our Service Center: http://bit.ly/uvcareph-servicecenter. Once the new filters are installed, reset the unit by pressing the “RESET” button on the Remote Control or the “SLEEP+CHILD LOCK” buttons on the control for 5-10 seconds.
How often should the filters be replaced?
The HEPA and Activated Carbon Filter should be replaced every 6-18 months depending on frequency of use and other environmental factors.
Are the filters washable?
Only the aluminum pre-filter and the Antibacterial Humidifier Filter are washable. The rest of the filters would really have to be replaced.
Can I replace the filters myself or do I have to bring the unit to the service center?
Filter replacement is super simple so you won’t have to bring the unit to the service center.
Where can I purchase replacement filters?
Filters are available through our website
How much are the filters?
The price is posted on our website
- How about the UV-C Lamp? How long will it last? The UV-C Lamp should last for about 8000 hours.
- What is the proper way to maintain the unit?
- Vacuum and wash the aluminum pre-filter weekly. This way you’ll also be able to prolong the life of the other filters.
- Replace the HEPA and Activated Carbon every 6-18 months.
- Wipe down the body of the unit with a soft damp cloth weekly to avoid dust accumulation.
- Place the unit in a safe and dry place.
The unit does not seem to turn on. Is it defective?
Please check if the front cover is properly closed and if the unit is placed on a flat and even surface. Otherwise, please contact UV Care's Service Center: http://bit.ly/uvcareph-servicecenter.
The colors of the Air Quality Light Indicator don't seem to change. What can I do to check?
Try dusting off a pillow or powder near the sensor and see if the light will change.
If not, try gently cleaning the sensor of the unit with a dry cotton tip.
Otherwise, please contact UV Care's Service Center: http://bit.ly/uvcareph-servicecenter.
Does this unit consume a lot of electricity?
Rated power for this unit is only 65 Watts which is just about the same power consumption as a common light bulb or a ceiling fan.
Is this unit autovolt?
No, this unit is 220 V.